Bodily Injury
How to receive compensation for a bodily injury?
As a driver or vehicle owner, it is mandatory to carry bodily injury liability insurance in case of an accident. The policy limit for each policyholder determines how much the insurer will pay for medical bills, lost wages, and other damages from physical injury.
California requires bodily injury liability insurance to be a minimum policy referred to as "15/30". According to this policy, an accident will be covered up to $15,000 for a death or bodily injury of a person; or $30,000 total for the wrongful death or bodily liability of all people hurt or killed in the accident.
Insurance providers offer policies with coverage limits above the 15/30 insurance requirement.
Generally, it is best to sign up for the best policy possible to avoid becoming responsible for any unforeseen losses that may occur as a result of an accident.
Losses included in bodily injury liability coverage can include (but are not limited to): ambulance bills; emergency room or surgery bills; doctor’s bills and other medical specialist expenses; hospital bills and other medical payments; physical or therapy treatment; x-rays and mris; caregivers; prosthetics or any other medical devices; dental expenses resulting from broken teeth; and funeral expenses.
Bodily injury liability insurance also covers an injured person’s past lost wages and/or future lost earning capacity if their injuries prevent them from working.
Ten of the most common bodily injury claims include: back injury, brain injury, eye injuries, spine injury, burn injury, catastrophic injury, head injuries, football head injuries, traumatic brain injury, and paralysis injuries.

Back Injury
The spinal cord is an important part of the central nervous system and is protected by the spine. As a result, severe back injuries can cause paralysis or even death. When you suffer from back injuries from an accident, you should seek medical attention immediately.
You can be affected by a back injury for years to come, no matter how minor or major. A personal injury lawyer like myself can help represent you after you have received appropriate medical care for a back injury. If you are injured as a result of someone else's negligence, you have a right to compensation. You need legal protection and the right to pay your medical bills and provide for losses both physically and emotionally.
Brain Injury
Head and brain injuries, and can result in permanent disability or death. An impacting blow to the head can damage the fragile skull and lead to traumatic brain injury (TBI). TBIs occur when the brain swells or bleeds within the skull from a devastating force.
Brain injuries are seen as “catastrophic injuries'' in the eyes of the court, meaning they can cause permanent effects that could change the victim’s life. A life-changing injury that prevents a person from working or having the same quality of life a person once enjoyed.
Eye Injury
Our daily lives are made possible by the human eye, a sensitive organ. The eye may be permanently damaged in the event it sustains damage from debris, puncture wounds, or blunt force trauma. Car accidents, work injuries, sports injuries, working with chemicals and many other circumstances can cause injuries to the eyes. Medical bills can rise from any type of eye injury, as well as missed work time and pain.
The following factors can lead to eye injuries: an eye can be lacerated by falling debris into the eye or being cut by an object; the cornea can be damaged by foreign objects getting stuck in the eye.; eyes exposed to toxic chemicals may experience burning, pain, or even blindness; traumatic fractures of the orbital bone can cause bruising, swelling, double vision, and tissue or muscle entrapment within the fractured bone, affecting vision.
Seek medical attention as soon as possible after any type of eye injury. Consult a lawyer like myself after consulting with your doctor about your recovery. I can help you recover the damages you deserve to be compensated for.
Spine Injury
Spinal cord injuries could be some of the most life-changing injuries for a person, often resulting in paralysis of the body. You have every right to make a claim and receive compensation for your expensive medical costs, pain and suffering, and disability, against any party that has caused your injury. There are many possibilities on how a spinal cord can occur. The most common cause of spinal injuries include; car accidents, falls, acts of violence, and from recreational sports.
Spinal cord injuries can fall into 3 categories:
Negligence. Negligence-related injuries such as car accidents, medical malpractice, and sports injuries can lead to spinal cord injuries. A victim must prove that the defendant breached a duty of care and that their negligence resulted in the injury sustained. Driving recklessly is the prime example of negligence that influences the cause of an accident.
Product Liability. Injured spinal cords may result from defective products. The spinal cord can be injured if a defective product causes an injury. An action against the manufacturer and distributor of the product may be filed by you. The plaintiff must prove only that the defectiveness of the product caused the injury to prove a product liability claim.
Premises Liability. In a store, slippery floors can cause spinal injuries due to hazardous premises conditions. It is the property owner’s duty to ensure a safe environment for everyone to be on. A property owner is liable for any injuries sustained on their property, no matter if the space is public or private.
Burn Injury
A person's negligence, a product defect, or a workplace injury can cause burns. Damages suffered by the victim are the responsibility of the person or company responsible for the burn injury.
The following are some common causes of burn injuries: construction site accidents, vehicle accidents, fireworks accidents, kitchen accidents, boiling water or other fluids, electric shock accidents, and chemical burns.
Those who suffer a burn injury are entitled to compensation for their physical injuries, financial losses, and emotional trauma. Compensatory damages are rewardable categories that are available to plaintiffs for economic and non-economic losses.
There are certain circumstances in which plaintiffs can also seek punitive damages. As a further punishment of guilt, punitive damages, or "exemplary damages," are meant to penalize the offender.
The conditions for punitive damages include: extreme recklessness, malicious intent, oppressive behavior, fraudulent actions, or intention to cause harm or danger.
Common burn injuries include: blisters, disfigurement, nerve damage, physical pain, scars, and skin diseases.
I can help you to receive medical care and assist in managing ongoing medical treatment for your burn injuries. I can investigate injuries and help gather evidence regarding the cause of an accident to prove .
Catastrophic Injuries
Traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, and paralysis are all examples of catastrophic injuries, which can have life-changing effects. Victims and their families deserve compensation for their pain and losses. A car or motorcycle accident, a construction accident, an explosion, or another dangerous accident can cause catastrophic injuries. An injury that permanently limits someone's ability to perform any kind of work is considered a catastrophic injury under California law.
Examples of types of catastrophic injuries include: spinal cord injuries, paralysis/paraplegia, injuries causing blindness or deafness, amputations or any loss of a limb, disfigurement, injuries that cause permanent disability, severe burn injuries, chronic lung or heart damage, traumatic brain injury (tbi), and other brain injuries that result in permanent cognitive impairment.
A catastrophic injury be classified as: the total loss of sight in one or both eyes; the total loss of hearing in one or both ears; amputation of an arm or leg; an injury that results in paralysis of the legs, the arms or both the legs and arms; an injury that results in severe cognitive impairment; an burn injury of a second or third-degree that is 50 percent or more of: the body, both hands; or the face; the total loss of or significant and permanent impairment of speech; a coma or vegetative state; the loss or function of one or more vital internal organs or organ systems.
People who suffer serious injuries as the result of a catastrophic event are subjected to extensive medical care and have their lives changed in profound ways.
If catastrophic injury victims can receive compensation for: medical bills and medical expenses, lost wages, lost earning capacity, property damage, pain and suffering, and loss of consortium.
An individual who was killed by a catastrophic injury can be sued for wrongful death by a legal family member or guardian. As a result of a wrongful death case, you may receive compensation for burial and funeral expenses, income that would have been earned by the deceased, and loss of companionship and support from the deceased.
Head Injuries
An injury to the head is one of the most dangerous that a person can sustain. Life's most basic functions are controlled by the brain, which is perhaps its most vital organ. It is possible that a severe head injury could change a person's life for the worse.
Football Head Injuries
An individual does not have to be a professional football player in order to suffer a football injury or to sue for a detrimental injury. Traumatic head injuries from football can result in permanent brain damage, nerve damage, memory loss, and hemorrhages. Despite football helmets with cushions, players can still suffer head injuries. The parties at fault for a head injury may include coaches, trainers, helmet manufacturers, schools, football teams, players, and their families.
Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
In the United States, traumatic brain injuries are the leading cause of disability claims. In the two years following a brain injury, approximately 60% of adults are jobless. TBI victims can recover compensation for economic and noneconomic damages when they sustain injuries due to the negligence of others. It can be estimated around several factors to determine a victim's lost earning capacity, for example. Examples include: your age and life expectancy; your occupation and career; professional qualifications, skills, and education; post-injury earning capacity; or lost benefits of employment such as pension contributions and health insurance premiums.
In addition to your lost wages, lost earning capacity, and medical expenses, head injury settlements include compensation for other financial losses you have incurred. Financial loss examples include: physical training; modifications to your home or car; domestic services such as housekeeping, cooking, and other necessities; tbi pain and suffering; and other non-economic losses.
Several factors contribute to the value of settlements for traumatic brain injury cases, including economic losses like lost income and medical expenses, as well as non-economic damages.
In addition to physical injuries, traumatic brain injuries also cause mental, emotional, and cognitive impairments. Those losses have no monetary value, and you can still seek compensation for them.
Non-economic losses associated with a brain injury include: pain and suffering, mental anguish, emotional distress, loss of enjoyment of life, and loss of consortium.