Commercial Accidents
Airline/Airplane Accidents
Plane accidents, although rare, do occur, and when they do, many people suffer physical, emotional, and financial damage. Post-traumatic stress can also cause long-term physical and mental issues. People who suffer from PTSD often suffer an ongoing fear of airplane travel and show symptoms of depression and moodiness, which can make it impossible for them to live a happy and fulfilling life.
It is not unusual for airplane accident victims to accumulate substantial debts as they seek to fully recover from their injuries. Medical costs vary according to the severity of injuries. As a result of a plane accident injury, our attorneys will fight for your full compensation for medical bills, expenses, pain and suffering, and lost wages. Airplane accidents are almost always the result of faulty equipment or inattentive crews rather than a passenger's error.

Causes of Airplane Accidents in California
Human error is often the cause of aviation accidents. When determining the cause of an accident, the human element is the first thing to be considered, regardless of whether the pilot or air traffic controller made a mistake. There may be many possible causes of the accident, however.
Prior to flying an airborne vehicle, the pilot must undergo extensive training. Pilots of helicopters or airplanes must have a certain number of hours of flight time and instruction before they can obtain their licenses. It is not uncommon for inexperienced pilots to crash. Particularly small aircraft pilots or pilots operating in bad weather conditions with low visibility should take this into account.
It's common to see overworked, stressed air traffic controllers in movies and TV shows. A common perception of the profession is that they take care of so many people every day. Air traffic controllers can cause a catastrophic accident with just one mistake.
Aircraft and helicopter equipment may fail for a variety of reasons. An error during the manufacturing process, or a design defect, can lead to structural problems. Mechanical or equipment failure can also result from improperly done repairs (negligence) or no repairs (poor workmanship).
Types of Aviation Accidents in California
In addition to domestic and international commercial flights, aviation accident statistics cover a wide range of incidents. There are many types of aircraft, including helicopters, small fixed-wing planes, cargo aircraft, and military aircraft. Private and charter flights are also becoming increasingly popular, which results in very crowded skies.
Accidents involving aircraft are complex. Numerous factors must be considered, including the type of aircraft involved, the airspace where the accident occurred, and the way the aircraft takes off and lands. VSTOL and VTOL claims generally refer to helicopter crashes. VTOL stands for "vertical take-off and landing," which describes aircraft that take off and land straight up and down rather than by approaching a runway horizontally. In general, helicopters are the most popular VTOL aircraft.
According to the FAA, helicopter accidents have declined every year since 2013. In contrast, helicopters frequently takeoff and land than airplanes. Additionally, pilots are not required to undergo the same amount of training as airplane pilots. Due to these two factors, helicopters are more likely to be involved in accidents. The term VSTOL refers to vertical and/or short takeoffs and landings. Short runways are often available for VSTOL aircraft. This type of aircraft is common among military planes.
A helicopter does not always take off or land on a runway like a commercial aircraft or a private plane. Poor weather condition or mechanical failure can cause an attempt to land in a crowded place or over water to fail, often with disastrous results.
Since helicopters do not usually travel thousands of miles, most helicopter accidents occur within a relatively small area. On the other hand, airplane accidents can occur anywhere. Often, when working on a case, this involves navigating complex laws, regulations, and treaties. These laws apply to both commercial and private aircraft. Accidents do not always result from crashes. Other factors that cause injuries include heavy turbulence, poorly secured overhead luggage racks, passenger and crew negligence, boarding and deplaning accidents, and injuries within the airport itself.
Statute of Limitations for Plane Crashes in California
If you were injured in an aviation accident in California or your next of kin was killed, you have two years after the accident to file a claim. The statute of limitations prohibits you from filing a claim after this period has expired. For this reason, it's critical to contact an aviation accident lawyer as soon as possible. Waiting too long may harm your case. Regardless of how serious an aviation accident was, if the filing deadline has passed, you can no longer file a claim.
Ambulance Accidents
Automobile accidents, fires, and medical emergencies are all routinely dealt with by ambulances and fire trucks. It is unfortunate that many firefighters and ambulances are involved in major collisions which result in the injuries of bystanders, pedestrians, drivers, and passengers of other vehicles. Accidents involving fire trucks or ambulances may give you a claim for compensation. As a result of an ambulance accident, you are entitled to recover all your damages including medical expenses, prescription drugs, rehabilitation expenses and future medical and disability expenses, lost wages and income including damages for loss or reduction of future salary, pain and suffering, and punitive damages - if applicable.
Unlike regular passenger vehicles, emergency response vehicles are allowed to operate differently. Emergency response vehicles have the right to drive through red lights, stop signs, and busy intersections. As a result of the high speeds and the size of Ambulance and fire engines accidents with such vehicle often lead to catastrophic injuries.
Among the most common types of injuries are permanent brain damage, spinal cord injuries, amputations, severed limbs, internal bleeding, organ fail Brain damage, spinal cord injuries, amputations, amputation of limbs, internal bleeding, and organ failure can all be attributed to fire truck and ambulance operators who operate the vehicles negligently or recklessly, if improper maintenance was a contributing factor to the accident, if safety regulations were not followed by the crew, or if a defect in the vehicle caused the accident.
Immediately following a collision with an ambulance or fire truck, there are several steps you should take to prepare to take legal action. Among the things you should do are: Seek medical care as soon as possible, Take photos of your injuries, Take pictures of the scene of the incident (including property damage), File an incident report, Request witness contact information, Gather video footage of the incident, Collect all medical records, Collect property damage records, and Collect income records.
Big-Rig Accidents
Approximately 90,000 truck crashes occur every year, according to statistics. Injury victims and their families deserve to be fairly compensated.
There are numerous injuries that can result from big rig accidents, including head injuries, brain injuries, broken bones, and lacerations. It is often the result of poor weather and driving conditions, mechanical failures, inadequate training, and driver fatigue that causes these injuries.
Big Rig lawyers are able to assist clients in a variety of ways, including advising them about their legal rights, managing their medical care and treatment, gathering evidence to identify all responsible parties, and filing an injury claim with the insurance company of the at-fault party.
Common Causes of Big-Rig Accidents | Big-Rig Accidents
The term "big rig" refers to a freight truck with an attached trailer. Accidents involving big rigs occur frequently in Los Angeles, especially on US 101 and the I-405. More than 4,300 large truck and bus accidents were fatalities in 2015, according to the FMCSA and the NHTSA. Around 87,000 large trucks suffered injuries in the same year.
Truck accidents involving big rigs or large trucks can involve a variety of vehicles. 18-wheelers, freight trucks, commercial trucks, semi-trucks, and large tractor-trailers are examples of large vehicles.
In the Los Angeles area, truck accidents are usually caused by members of the trucking industry not following federal regulations, inadequate truck maintenance, hazardous conditions, poor weather, improper training, and mechanical failure.
It is possible for truckers, motorists, and victims of car/motorcycle accidents to suffer serious injury in big rig accidents (including catastrophic injuries). Among the most frequent injuries caused by truck accidents are traumatic brain injury, whiplash and other neck injuries, spinal cord injuries, concussions, broken bones, and lacerations.
Common Defendants of Big-Rig Accidents | Big-Rig Accidents
Victims of truck accidents can file a lawsuit with me. These suits are often filed against the following defendants: trucking companies, truck manufacturers, property owners, governments, and any other negligent party (for example, at-fault parties who cause auto accidents).
"Negligence" refers to someone failing to act reasonably carefully in the circumstances.
An accident may be caused by the negligence of a truck driver. Despite the fact that the driver may still recover compensation in a truck accident claim, the final payout will be reduced according to California's comparative negligence laws.
The following compensation can be recovered for drivers who successfully file a lawsuit in truck accident cases: medical bills and medical expenses, lost wages, lost earning capacity, property damage, and pain and suffering.
The surviving family members of a trucker who was killed in a truck accident can file a wrongful death lawsuit against the party responsible for the accident. Compensation for damages can include (but is not limited to): burial and funeral expenses, income the deceased would have earned, and companionship and support the deceased provided.
The Benefit of An Attorney | Big-Rig Accidents
Lawyers know how much a case is worth. Those responsible for the victim's damages can then be held accountable. Injury attorneys can also uncover hidden value in a case (for example, identifying an additional negligent party). The extra value translates into a higher payout.
From the moment they accept a client, personal injury law firms begin managing a case. Thus, injury victims are free to concentrate solely on their recovery.
The majority of trucking accident attorneys offer free consultations. The injured party does not have to pay anything to learn about their legal options during a free consultation. The attorney-client relationship also protects communications between an attorney and a client. Without the consent of the client, an attorney cannot disclose personal information.
Boat Accidents
Accidents involving recreational boats are generally not fatal. About 700 people per year died in boating accidents from 1997 to 2015, according to USA Today. Accidents on the water can be caused by many factors. According to the Coast Guard, the top ten contributing factors to recreational boating accidents across the country were operator inattention, improper lookout, operator inexperience, equipment failure, excessive speed, boating under the influence of alcohol or drugs (bui), force of wake/wave, weather, and violations of navigation rules.
In boating accidents, the failure to wear a life jacket is a leading cause of fatalities, contributing to 76% of all fatalities. In drowning accidents, 85% of victims refused a life jacket.
Depending on the law, "boating accident" may refer to a collision between a small skiff and a fishing boat or even a cruise ship. As defined by the U.S. Coast Guard, a boating accident occurs when someone dies, is missing, is injured, or the vessel is totaled as a result of something that occurred when the boat was operated, constructed, seaworthy, or the equipment or machinery malfunctioned. A boating accident may occur with or without structural damage to the boat. Boating accidents may result from a sinking or capsized boat, a person falling overboard, a fire or explosion involving the vessel or its equipment, a person being thrown (thrown overboard) from a boat, a collision with another boat, striking a submerged object, electrocution on a boat, carbon monoxide exposure on a boat, or a swimmer being hit by a propeller.
The California Division of Boating and Waterways (DBW) requires boat owners and operators to report accidents if they meet certain criteria: death, disappearance, or injury requiring medical attention beyond first aid, or damage exceeding $500 or complete loss of the boat, regardless of value.
There are deadlines and time periods for reporting boat accidents. The report must be submitted within 48 hours if there is a death within 24 hours of the accident, the disappearance of a person, or injuries beyond first aid. The report must be submitted within ten days if: a person dies more than 24 hours after an accident occurs (although, if they were seriously injured beyond first aid, the accident still needs to be reported within 48 hours); or Property damage exceeds $500, or a vessel is completely lost, regardless of value. If you fail to report a boating accident, you can be fined up to $1,000 or imprisoned for up to six months.
Bus Accidents
The injured victim of a bus accident may be left with large medical bills and lost wages as well as suffering from serious pain and suffering. The victim and his or her family may seek compensation for their injuries by filing a personal injury lawsuit.
In addition to negligent bus drivers, cutting corners by bus companies and lax county regulations can also cause bus accidents. A party or group that causes an accident negligently is liable for the damages. To prevent others from suffering similar accidents, it is important for injured individuals and their families to seek justice against those responsible.
It may be up to the family members to deal with the loss of a loved one following a fatal bus accident. Regardless, a wrongful death lawsuit will provide the family with the opportunity to seek compensation for their loss and hold the wrongdoer responsible for their actions. Funeral expenses, financial support loss, and emotional support loss can be included in such awards.
Filing a Lawsuit
Any injuries or harm resulting from an accident are covered by a personal injury lawsuit. A person who is injured in a bus accident, whether as a passenger, pedestrian, or another driver, may be able to sue for damages in a personal injury lawsuit.
Negligence or reckless behavior are usually the causes of bus accidents. The owner or operator of a bus company may be responsible for damages even if he or she was not directly negligent. The same holds true for employers whose employees are negligent.
Responsible Party
Depending on the type of bus accident and the cause of the accident, the individual or group responsible may vary. Defendants in bus accidents could include: bus drivers, bus supervisors, tour bus operators, school bus operators, charter bus operators, other vehicle drivers, bus maintenance companies, city, county, or state agencies, bus owners, bus stop owners, bus manufacturers, and bus part manufacturers.
Multiple defendants may be responsible for causing an accident in some cases. The injured party may even have contributed to the accident, but can still claim damages. Under California's "comparative fault" law, the plaintiff can receive damages even if he or she contributed to the accident in some way. However, damages are reduced by the plaintiff's percentage of fault.
In most bus accident personal injury claims, the plaintiff would claim damages by showing the defendant’s negligence caused the accident. There are three elements of negligence: the defendant owed the plaintiff a duty of care; the defendant breached their duty of care; and the defendant's breach contributed significantly to the plaintiff's injuries. By proving that the defendant was negligent, the defendant may be held responsible for causing the accident and have to pay damages to the plaintiff.
There is a California law known as Vehicle 21702 that makes driving a bus for more than eight hours a day a misdemeanor. The driver of a bus who drives over the Vehicle Code 21702 limit and causes an accident may be held liable under California's negligence per se laws.
School Bus Accidents
Statistically, school buses are more safe for children than getting a ride in a car to school. Nevertheless, school bus accidents do happen and when they do, the driver and the school district may be liable for damages.
In the event that a school bus accident is the result of negligent driving, liability may rest with either the school, which operated the bus, or another company, which contracted to transport students. The school could be held liable if the bus driver was negligent. In the case of a private company operating the bus, the company could be liable for the negligence of the driver as well.
As a result of California's "respondeat superior" law, an employer is vicariously liable for damages caused by an employee who is acting within the scope of his or her employment.
Additionally, the injury victim has a better chance of receiving full compensation for the accident because the employer is more likely to have the funds to compensate them. The employer will also be held responsible if this leads to future accidents.
Tour Bus Accidents
California and neighboring states are home to a number of tour bus companies. The category includes local routes that visit local attractions and casinos, as well as long-distance tours. It is common for these tour bus companies to press drivers to keep tight time schedules, drive long distances, and operate buses that may not be in good condition.
The tour bus company may also be liable when the driver is negligent. If a company or operator is negligent in hiring, training, or supervising the driver, it may also be directly responsible for the driver's actions. An employer may be liable for negligent hiring if they don't review the driver's record or qualifications.
On the road, every driver has a duty of care to other road users. However, drivers who transport passengers for profit have an even higher duty of care. Operators of commercial buses, including tour bus companies, are generally considered “common carriers.”
People and goods are transported by common carriers for a fee. Under California law, common carriers must adhere to higher safety standards. California Civil Code says that "a carrier of persons for reward shall use the utmost care and diligence for the safe carriage of those persons, shall provide everything necessary for that purpose, and shall exercise to that end a reasonable degree of skill." If the tour bus company does not properly repair the shuttles, inspect the vehicles for safety issues, or train and supervise drivers, the company is in violation of their duty as a common carrier. In the event a safety violation leads to an accident, the bus company may be held responsible for the damages.
Public Transportation Bus Accidents
The government is usually sued in public bus accident lawsuits. California may have cities, counties, states, or other regional authorities that operate public buses. The requirements for bringing a lawsuit against the government could differ from those for bringing a lawsuit against a private party.
Many types of lawsuits are immune from state government claims of "sovereign immunity." In California, however, sovereign immunity does not apply to employee negligence claims.8 The victims of a bus accident caused by a negligent driver may file a claim against the state or local government which operates that bus line.
California has a two-year statute of limitations for most personal injury claims. A plaintiff has a certain amount of time to file a lawsuit. The plaintiff may not be able to recover damages if the lawsuit is not filed within the statute of limitations.
There may, however, be other notice deadlines that must be met by injury victims claiming against the government. It is generally necessary to file a wrongful death claim or a personal injury claim no later than six months after the incident. The victim may not be able to recover damages if he or she does not submit a notice of claim within six months.
Compensatory Damages
Amounts of money may never be enough to compensate a victim of an accident, but compensatory damages are designed to compensate both economic and non-economic losses. Punitive damages, which punish the wrongdoer for their actions, may also be available to the injured victim in some cases.
As a result of the accident, a victim will lose or have to spend money on medical bills and wages. In addition to economic damages, non-economic damages include harms, such as emotional harm or the loss of a limb. A bus accident lawsuit may request compensation for the following: emergency room treatment, hospital bills, medications, medical supplies, physical therapy, in-home care, lost income, lost future earnings, vehicle repairs, pain and suffering, emotional distress, loss of enjoyment, and court costs.
Injured At a Bus Stop
An injured victim may feel they are in the wrong place at the wrong time when they are injured at a bus stop. However, anyone who is injured at a bus stop can still sue the party responsible for the accident.
Drivers who are reckless or negligent often cause bus stop accidents. In order to claim damages for their injuries, the injured party must show the driver was negligent. If the plaintiff demonstrates the driver was responsible by using evidence of a traffic violation, such as speeding or running a red light, the driver might be deemed to be at fault.
Bus stops may sometimes be situated in dangerous areas. For example, a bus stop too close to the street or an area where a number of people have been injured in previous accidents. It may also be possible for the injury victim to file a claim against the government agency responsible for the bus stop.
Common Injuries
Injuries caused by bus accidents can be more complex than those caused by other motor vehicle accidents. Many safety features can protect people involved in car or truck accidents, including airbags, seat belts, bucket seats, rollover protection, and crumple zones.
There are no safety protections for bus passengers. It is possible for passengers to sit facing forward, backward, or sideways on a bus. In crowded buses, passengers may even stand. The result can be a variety of injuries that are unique to bus accidents.
An accident involving a bus can cause passengers to hit other seats, passengers, bars, windows, or even the floor. Bus accidents may result in head injuries, neck injuries, back injuries, broken bones, internal injuries, burn injuries, crushing injuries, paralysis, or limb loss.
Wrongful Death
As a result of the death of a spouse or child, those responsible for the accident are not there to hold them accountable. However, surviving family members may be able to file a wrongful death lawsuit to make sure those who caused the accident are held accountable.
In a California wrongful death lawsuit, family members may be awarded damages, including spouses, domestic partners, children, grandchildren (if the children are deceased), and anyone else who may inherit the property of the decedent under California succession laws.
Compensation for loss is the goal of a wrongful death claim. Loss of companionship, loss of support, or loss of affection, as well as economic and non-economic damages, are all included.
Cruise Line/Cruise Ship Accidents
Accidents on cruise ships occur far more frequently than most people realize. These accidents can be quite serious and complicated. Every year, hospitals in Los Angeles and other port cities across the country treat countless victims of cruise ship accidents. As cruise ships are large, there are many opportunities for an accident to occur. In spite of accidents, most injuries and deaths could be prevented with better training for the crew and with better maintenance on the boat and its facilities.
Types of Accidents and Injuries on Cruise Ships
Every year, more than 20 million people travel on cruise ships. In 2017, 25.8 million people traveled on cruise ships. Considering how many people sail around the world, it's no surprise that accidents and injuries occur frequently. The nature of these ships makes the injuries suffered on board often catastrophic, and victims may need the guidance of an experienced cruise ship lawyer in California. Various cruise ship accidents can happen at any time and anywhere, but some of the most common ones are: Slips and falls, Trips and falls, Fires, Drownings and pool accidents, Shore accidents, Collisions with other vessels, Automatic door accidents, Legionnaire's Disease, Viruses, including COVID-19, Bacterial infections, Elevator and escalator accidents, Assault, and Sexual assault.
Accidents of this nature can lead to catastrophic injuries or even wrongful death. The negligent storage of supplies by crewmembers can cause serious accidents as the ship travels across the sea. It is possible for ships to lose power, leaving passengers immobile until help arrives. On other ships, diseases and viruses have spread through the population, including crew members and passengers. Among the most common critical injuries suffered by cruise ship accident victims are: broken bones to the head, brain and spinal cord injuries, lung damage, fractures, dislocations, cuts and lacerations, amputations, serious burns and disfigurement.
Cruise Line Accident
Get medical attention, report the incident to cruise ship staff, obtain a copy of your medical records and reports, get a copy of the incident report or police report, obtain a copy of your passenger injury statement, document your cruise ship injuries, talk to witnesses and exchange information, take pictures of your injuries, locate a cruise ship injury lawyer.
Types of Cruise Ship Injury Claims
Among the most common types of injury claims handled by our cruise ship lawyers are wrongful death, injuries to minors, assault cases, work accidents, and premises liability claims.
Liability for Cruise Ship Injuries in California
When it comes to determining the facts of your cruise ship accident, as well as the circumstances of the incident, I typically hire private investigators. All of the negligent parties will be held responsible based on that evidence. Obtaining witness testimony to support your point of view and to express the negligent party's dangerous practices more logically can be very helpful. The scene of the cruise ship accident can be reconstructed or reenacted to reveal the facts and the responsible party. There are several common causes of cruise ship accidents, including negligent acts by the captain, owner, and crew members, such as: failing to comply with safety standards, being distracted by other watercraft in the area, and operating a cruise ship in unsafe weather conditions.
Proving a Cruise Ship Accident Injury
Cruise ship accidents have caused serious injuries, including deaths, even though minor injuries are quite common, and cruise ships have a clinic onboard to treat crew members and passengers. A helicopter ride to shore could delay the transport of an accident victim who needs immediate medical attention. A cruise ship accident lawyer should be contacted by the families of victims as soon as possible if medical treatment is required. In cases where victims do not have enough coverage under their medical insurance to cover any treatment, our early involvement is imperative. To prove a cruise ship accident injury, you must seek immediate medical care. You should maintain a record of the treatment you received and any details of your case, because it will be crucial if you want to hold those liable for your injuries accountable.
Delivery Truck Accidents
Delivery trucks come in a variety of sizes and shapes. Examples include FedEx, UPS, and Amazon. Between the three of them, there are millions of delivery trucks on the road every day. From 18-wheelers to vans, their fleet includes a wide range of vehicles. They are all considered delivery trucks.
In addition to the damage an 18-wheeler can cause, a speeding delivery van can cause serious injuries, especially if you are walking or riding a bike.
Common Causes of Delivery Truck Accidents
Accidents involving delivery trucks are caused by a variety of factors. Drivers are under a lot of pressure to adhere to strict delivery schedules. The pressure may cause them to speed and drive erratically.
Among the other causes of truck accidents are overloaded or incorrectly loaded cargo, driver distraction, driver fatigue, reckless driving, such as not following traffic signs, poor training for delivery truck drivers, and poorly maintained trucks.
When delivery truck drivers check directions, schedules, and text messages while driving, they often cause accidents with serious injuries to anyone in the passenger car.
Damages Recoverable
In any kind of vehicle accident, your injuries play a critical role in determining the amount of money you're entitled to in damages. There are a number of damages commonly awarded to victims of delivery truck accidents, including medical bills, past, present, and future, lost earnings, career changes due to severe injuries, home modifications, pain and suffering, and loss of enjoyment of life.
Due to their untimely death, you may also be entitled to claim loss of consortium in the event that you lost a loved one in an accident involving a delivery truck. Whenever estimating your case's value, it is impossible for an attorney or law firm to provide exact figures. A lawyer can examine past cases with similar circumstances to yours, however, to get a general idea of what your case may be worth.
Party At Fault
Driving for a company is generally a job. In some cases, it is not. These drivers are sometimes independent contractors. In order to determine who should be held responsible, an experienced attorney can thoroughly examine all the facts.
Helicopter Accidents/Crashes
Common Causes of Helicopter Accidents
Helicopter crashes are caused by a variety of factors. To prove who was at fault for the accident, it is crucial to work with an attorney who is knowledgeable about the technical aspects of aviation.
Pilot Error
All aviation accidents are likely to be caused by pilot error. In the case of pilot negligence, the pilot is liable for any injuries (or deaths) caused. It is possible to hold the employer of the pilot, as well as the owner of the aircraft, liable.
A helicopter tour company or a private charter company may also be liable for your injuries, such as the company that arranged the flight. If you have been injured in a helicopter accident, an experienced helicopter lawyer will be able to locate all potential defendants and prove that they are legally responsible for your injuries. You should also be able to obtain all compensation that you are owed for your injuries.
Improper Maintenance
There are times when helicopters are likely to crash even before they leave the ground. All aircraft must be inspected regularly, including helicopters. A helicopter owner must always maintain their aircraft in good working order, in addition to the annual inspections required by law.
It is the pilot's responsibility to ensure that an aircraft is safe to fly before it leaves the ground. It is possible for the owner or pilot, as well as the company that was hired to repair or maintain the aircraft, to be held liable for a crash resulting from poor maintenance.
Defective Parts
Helicopters, like cars, are complicated mechanical machines made up of thousands of parts that are susceptible to failure. The complexity of an aircraft makes it even more prone to having defects in parts, components, systems, or the helicopter as a whole. Known as "strict products liability," manufacturers are responsible for helicopter crashes caused by defective parts if it is proven that the manufacturer was negligent.
Other Types of Aviation Injuries
An aircraft passenger can be injured in many different ways, not just in a helicopter crash. Aviation accident victims are also eligible for compensation in other cases. Additionally, heavy turbulence, unsecure cargo in the helicopter, passenger and crew negligence during the flight, accidents while boarding or exiting the helicopter (especially if the tail rotor is still in motion), and slip and fall accidents in the airport or on the tarmac can lead to injuries.
Whether you were injured in a helicopter accident or not, consulting with an attorney about your legal rights is still essential. If you are injured in an aviation accident, you have the right to compensation.
Common Causes of Helicopter Accidents
Helicopters crash for many reasons. Working with a lawyer familiar with the technical aspects of aviation is crucial for proving fault.
Police Car Accidents
Unlike other car accidents, police car accidents are different. When a police car hits a pedestrian or driver, the driver may assume the police are immune from liability. A police officer or city can still be liable for injuries caused by an accident in which a patrol car was involved.
In the aftermath of a car accident, it is important that everyone involved is safe and okay. Victims who have been injured should go to the hospital immediately. Drivers or passengers should still consider seeing a doctor, even if they are unsure if they have suffered serious injuries. Many car accident victims don’t think they were injured until a day or two after the accident.
Don’t admit fault after an accident. This can be more difficult to do when the other driver is a cop, especially if the officer is trying to intimidate you. It is not up to the officer in the accident to decide who is at fault. The issue of who was at fault should be left up to the court after a review of all the evidence, not based on an officer’s one-sided view.
Contacting a car accident lawyer may be the most important step after an accident with a police car. Car accidents involving police cars are handled differently from other types of accidents. The city's insurance policy covers police officers rather than a regular auto policy. It is possible that your claim process will be different and that the city will take a lot longer to review your claim.
An advocate is needed in these types of situations to ensure the police are held accountable for the victims' injuries.
At Fault
When a motor vehicle accident occurs, who was at fault is usually determined by negligence. A driver who runs a red light and hits another vehicle may be to blame for the accident. In the case of a police officer running a red light and hitting another vehicle, what should be done?
A victim hit by a police car can make an injury claim based on what the officer was doing at the time and how he or she was driving. The injured victim may be able to recover damages from the city or county if the police officer is determined to be negligent.
The majority of police-related accidents involve either a violation of a traffic law or a combination of violations. In a patrol car accident, violations such as speeding, running a red light, running a stop sign, driving the wrong way on a divided highway, failing to yield the right-of-way, making an illegal left turn or u-turn, or failing to signal are common.
Having violated a traffic law, a driver may be considered negligent if he or she causes an accident. Under certain circumstances, emergency vehicles in California are exempt from normal traffic laws thanks to the "emergency vehicle exemption".
A person who operates an emergency vehicle and makes reasonable use of its lights and sirens may be exempt from certain traffic laws under Vehicle Code 21055.
Police officers need to prove that they did not need to comply with a certain vehicle code in order to prove that they didn't have to: they were operating an authorized emergency vehicle; they responded to an emergency situation at the time of the accident; and they sounded the siren when reasonable and displayed red warning lights at the time.
Responding To Emergency
Officers responding to emergencies are exempt from certain traffic laws.
A police officer is considered to be in an emergency if they are responding to an emergency call, participating in a rescue operation, in pursuit of an actual or suspected law violator, responding to a fire alarm, or driving a fire department vehicle while commuting between locations due to an emergency call.
A police officer cannot claim that he or she does not have to follow the law simply because he or she is a cop. Whenever an officer drives back from a call or drives his or her personal vehicle, it does not constitute an emergency.
Lights and Sirens On
Lights and sirens are generally required on emergency vehicles in order to qualify for the exemption. By doing so, other drivers will be warned that an emergency vehicle is approaching and will be able to pull over if necessary. It is not necessary for an emergency vehicle to have sirens in some cases. In some cases, emergency vehicles don't use sirens when driving through neighborhoods or at night, depending on local policies.
It is still possible for a police officer to be negligent even if he or she was responding to an emergency when the accident occurred. According to California's negligence laws, the negligent party is responsible for any injuries and damages caused to other motorists, passengers, or pedestrians involved in the accident.
Driving negligently is failing to follow the duty of care. In general, drivers, including police officers, are expected to use reasonable caution when driving; keep an eye out for pedestrians, other vehicles, and obstacles; and control their speed and movements.
Paying For Damages
A public entity is responsible for death or injury to persons or property when caused by an employee acting within the scope of his employment who is negligent or reckless while operating a motor vehicle.
The public entity is responsible for damages when a police officer is driving on duty and causes an accident. A state, county, or city may be liable for accident-related damages depending on the law enforcement agency.
Thousands of dollars or more can be lost in a serious accident. Compensation damages can include economic and noneconomic damages, such as medical bills, lost wages, lost earning capacity, pain and suffering and vehicle repairs.
Wrongful Death
A family member may be able to sue the government entity after the death of a loved one under wrongful death laws. The surviving family members of a child, spouse, or parent killed in an accident with a police car may be able to sue the responsible party for damages.
Funeral expenses, burial expenses, loss of earnings the deceased would have earned, and compensation for the loss of a loved one are included in a wrongful death lawsuit.
Taxi Accidents
Taxi Accident Lawyers in California
Despite the popularity of ride-sharing apps such as Uber and Lyft, the taxicab industry is still flourishing. Every day, thousands of taxis crisscross the roads of California, posing an accident risk. In a taxi accident, you might find yourself as either a passenger or as a victim of a strike by a taxi driver.
Understanding Taxicab Accident Liability
Taxi business models vary considerably within the industry, which can be complex. The drivers of some taxi companies rent the vehicles from taxi companies that own the cabs. Other taxi companies hire their drivers to operate their own vehicles. In the event of a crash, it can be difficult to determine who is responsible. A third party may be at fault, or it may be the company, the driver, or both. Consider the case of a distracted taxi driver who caused your accident. If the driver was acting within the scope of his or her job when the collision occurred, the taxi company may be held liable if the driver caused the crash. A lawsuit against the company and the driver may be appropriate in this case.
A third party may be at fault for some taxicab accidents, not the driver or the taxi company. An example would be another driver slamming into your taxi, a defective seatbelt, or a cab maintenance company. The taxi driver or company may still be partially responsible in a third-party lawsuit.
The process of filing a claim for a taxi accident can be complicated because you don't know who to contact or whom to hold responsible for your damages. If you are injured in an accident, regardless of who is at fault, you may be entitled to compensation.
What to Do After a Taxi Accident
Collect as much information as you can after a taxi accident. Get the name of any other drivers or bystanders who were involved in the crash, as well as the taxi company and driver. Photo your injuries, the street, the taxi, and your vehicle if applicable. Ask any eyewitnesses for their contact information. Their testimony will be crucial during future fault investigations. If you are injured, seek medical attention immediately. File a claim with the taxi company's insurer if you are involved in a collision while driving another car.
If a taxi runs into your vehicle in an accident, the taxi company or its insurer may allege that you are partially to blame for the accident. The taxi company may claim you caused the collision by being negligent. California, however, is a pure comparative negligence state. In other words, even if a party caused an accident partially, it can still recover. Do not assume that being partially at fault disqualifies you from receiving compensation.
Train Accidents
School buses, tour buses, public buses, trolleys, metros, and trains should never put your life at risk. Nevertheless, the rise of cheaper transportation options has often resulted in broken rules and disregard for safety standards. Before taking passengers, drivers of public transportation should undergo extensive training.
Tragically, passengers often put their lives in the hands of drivers who lack training, are incompetent, or are negligent. In a matter of seconds, one driver's error can lead to the loss of dozens of lives.
Train and bus accidents often cause multiple injuries or fatalities, as many people are involved. In the event of a public transit accident, you may have several different potential liability sources. You may be held responsible for damages if a negligent driver caused your accident.
If While the driver is employed by a bus or train company, the company itself may be liable. Additionally, if the accident was caused by negligence on the company's part, such as failing to maintain its fleet vehicles or failing to repair known hazards such as a faulty seatbelt, the company could be held liable. In some circumstances, victims can sue the bus or train company and the driver.
In The rules for claims against government entities would apply in cases where the government owns the bus or train. The defendant must be notified of your claim within six months of the date of injury in California.
It is significantly shorter than the two-year time limit for filing a claim in typical accident lawsuits. If you are dealing with a public transport system owned by a municipality, keep this in mind. You should consult an attorney if you are unsure about the defendant or how to proceed.
The Option to Sue For Damages
No matter if a train is publicly or privately owned, certain safety standards must be followed. A train is a common carrier, or a vehicle that transports passengers. Federal and state laws govern common carriers. Standard hiring and training of drivers, vehicle maintenance, and service quality are included in these laws. If a passenger or bystander is injured because of a violation of any of these laws, it is negligence.
As If you were injured in a bus or train crash, you have two main options. The company's insurer may settle your claim or you can file a lawsuit. When the bus or train company's insurance company contacts you with a settlement offer, you have the right to accept it. A personal injury claim, on the other hand, will generally result in less compensation.
Compensatory Damages
Whether one has been hurt in a train accident or due to medical malpractice, this is a common question for anyone considering filing a claim. A settlement or a monetary award from the court can range from as little as $2,500 to as much as $1 million.
The study found that 70 percent of claimants settled their cases. You suffered various types of losses as a result of your injury, which insurance companies refer to as damages. There are two types of injuries, and most injured individuals will suffer from both.
Economic damages are also known as special damages. Easily calculable, they represent the money you lost due to the defendant's negligence. Examples include lost wages and medical expenses.
This type of damage is also known as non-economic damage and represents the intangible losses you have or will suffer in the future. Pain and suffering, loss of society, loss of consortium, scarring and disfigurement, and mental anguish are among them.