Statute of Limitations
What are Statute of Limitations?
Personal injury claims in California generally have a two-year statute of limitations. In most cases, a claimant is barred from bringing a claim in the future if the claim is not brought within the statutory time frame. The statutory window may vary depending on the type of claim. Generally, it runs from the moment the plaintiff becomes aware of the injury or should have become aware of it in the exercise of reasonable diligence.
California has the following limitations periods for filing legal claims: personal injury (2 years), property damage (3 years), wrongful death (2 years), when the victim is 40 years old or 5 years after the victim discovers the abuse, wrongful death (6 years), defamation (1 year), false imprisonment (2 years), fraud (3 years), medical malpractice (1 year), legal malpractice(1 year), veterinary malpractice (1 year), asbestos exposure (1 year), breach of oral contract (2 years), breach of written contract ( 4 years), felony victim (1 year), and victim of serious felony (10 years).

Statute Of Limitations
The deadline for filing a lawsuit varies from state to state. Once a statute of limitations has run, a plaintiff cannot seek compensatory damages, punitive damages, or any other relief. Each legal theory has its own statute of limitations. There are many ways to pursue recovery. Even if a claim has run out of time for one theory, it can still be pursued under another one.
Personal Injury Statute of Limitations
From the date of the injury, personal injury cases in California have a two-year statute of limitations. According to the type of case, a victim can file a lawsuit after varying amounts of time. In some cases, the statute of limitations will be tolled (paused). Delays in discovery are an example of this.
Delayed Discovery
California's discovery rule allows the statute of limitations to be extended under certain circumstances. The plaintiff must prove that he or she did not know facts that would have led a reasonable person to suspect he or she had suffered harm caused by a third party wrongful conduct; or A reasonable and diligent investigation would not have disclosed that a harmful product or situation contributed to the plaintiff’s harm.
A lawsuit can be filed as far back as one year after the injury was discovered (or should have been discovered).
“Tolling” Of The Statute Of Limitations
Occasionally, the statute of limitations is suspended or does not begin to run for a certain period of time. In some circumstances, the statute of limitations may be tolled, such as when the defendant is 18 or younger, out of state, or mentally ill.
After the condition leading to tolling has ended, the time limit begins to run or resumes.
Tolling cases can be very complex. A California injury lawyer can help people determine whether they can still sue.
Special Cases
Under California law, some types of personal injury cases have a different statute of limitations.
Among them (but not limited to):
Under California law, persons under the age of 18 are not legally competent to make decisions. In California, when a minor's statute of limitations runs out, it is generally tolled during the period of the minor's minority. There are exceptions to the rule, however. As an example, medical malpractice claims by a minor must be filed within three years of the date of the alleged wrongful act or, if the minor is under the age of six at the time of the injury, within eight months of the date of the injury.
In addition, a minor who suffers personal injury before or after his or her birth must commence an action within six years from the date of his or her birth.
Professional Negligence (Malpractice) Cases
In California, the statute of limitations for malpractice claims is among the shortest.
In general, malpractice claims in California must be filed within one year of the date when the injury was discovered, or should have been discovered. A California malpractice lawsuit must also be filed by a specific date outside of the statute of limitations. Medical malpractice claims cannot be filed after three years following the date of injury, for example.
There are exceptions to this rule, however, such as veterinary malpractice, where the statute of limitations starts running on the day of the injury. An experienced California malpractice lawyer should be contacted as soon as possible by anyone contemplating a claim for professional negligence.
Claims By Crime Victims In California
A convicted criminal can be sued for damages by a victim of a felony in California.
A victim of a personal injury does not necessarily have to file a lawsuit within the two-year limitations period. The statute of limitations for serious felonies - such as rape, kidnapping, murder, or attempted murder - is 10 years from the date upon which the defendant is released from parole. If the defendant is convicted of a less serious California felony, victims have one year to file a lawsuit against him or her.
Mesothelioma And Other Asbestos Claims
California has a longer statute of limitations than usual for class-action-type medical claims. Mesothelioma and other claims based on asbestos exposure must be filed within one year after the plaintiff first experienced a disability, or within one year after the plaintiff first knew, or reasonably should have known, that such disability was caused or contributed to by such asbestos exposure.
Dalkon Shield Claims
Dalkon Shield victims must bring their claims within 15 years of the date on which they were injured, except that the statute of limitations begins to run on August 21, 1985.
Claims Against A Government Agency
It is generally necessary to file a lawsuit within six months of the injury against a government agency or employee.
Actions To Recover Personal Property
In order to pursue a claim for the recovery or conversion of personal property that has been left at a hotel, hospital, or other temporary lodging, a lawsuit must be filed within 90 days after the owner leaves the facility.
Child Sexual Abuse/Assault
It is possible for child sex abuse survivors to sue their abusers before their 40th birthday or within five years of discovering the abuse (whichever comes first).
The Reason For Statues
A sense of fairness dictates the existence of statutes of limitations. As time passes, memories fade, evidence is accidentally destroyed, and witnesses move on. In addition to protecting people from having to confront "stale" claims, a limitations period encourages plaintiffs to diligently pursue their claims.